Namji Doll

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Namji Dolls, also known as Dowayo Dolls are fertility dolls native to the Namji tribe of North Cameroon. Namji Dolls date as far back as 1940 and they ......

Namji Dolls, also known as Dowayo Dolls are fertility dolls native to the Namji tribe of North Cameroon. Namji Dolls date as far back as 1940 and they are curved from an African rosewood 

Namji Dolls are fertility dolls given to brides during a wedding ceremony, they believe that these fertility dolls are made with potent charms that enhance the bride’s fertility, ward off evil spirits that cause infertility and difficult labour. They also believe the dolls prevent miscarriage and promote safe delivery of babies. The bride carries the doll as a good luck charm anywhere she goes, in her purse or cloth.  

These dolls are also given to young girls to use as play toys, they carry them strapped on their backs and treat them like their babies; feeding them, bathing them, wearing them clothes, and sleeping with them.The girls are allowed to play with these dolls even till puberty. It is believed that such role-play greatly encourages girls to prepare for their future roles as mothers. Once her wish is granted and she has a child, the doll is placed on the family altar or passed down to her daughter.

Namji Dolls can also be used to make marriage proposals.  A man gifts a doll to the girl he wants to marry and if she accepts it, it means she accepts his proposal. She then carries the doll around as a fertility doll. As soon as she has a child, she bequeaths the doll to her daughter.

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