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Moving to Africa

My whole life I had the dream of moving to Africa.
Some years ago I closed my working experience in Europe and finally did it.
For one and a half year I traveled in several countries;
I met a lot of people and I was fascinated by the wonderful and different things they can create.
A monkey ball very dull and burnt with hot iron in Namibia, becomes a decoration full of colors in Mozambique, and, passing through the creativity of Zimbabweans, a refined artifact in South Africa.
Hence the idea, first of creating a craft shop (a bit particular, but still a craft shop), and then an art gallery, where I collected old art pieces from various countries.
Up to you to decide if this virtual visit to my gallery will end up with the purchase of a piece now, or of a ticket which will take you here to see it with your own eyes

Enjoy the Art Experience with Us.

If you are in Uganda, you can view the products in our shop:

Queen's Road, Plot 12,
Inside Multi Garden Café
Open every day from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm

Link to Facebook


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