Special Section

In this section we try to select for you the items which are more antique, more precious, sometimes already belonging to private collections in some African country.
During the years of my travels around Africa, I have set up a network of people who move around and look for items, in the backstores of some shops, in the villages, or elsewhere, when and/or where I can't go directly. Sometimes, in their journeys they run into these treasures and every time its a great excitement for all of us.
We enjoy these objects for some time, and then, after gathering all the information we can get, we start looking for an interested buyer.
Our new webpage will be one of the windows for these special objects. Position the mouse on the product of your interest to pause the slide show and click on it to be transported into the product details.
We hope you will enjoy as much as we do.

If you are in Uganda, you can view the products in our shop:

Queen's Road, Plot 12,
Inside Multi Garden Café
Open every day from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm

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